Want A Restaurant Menu? Just Ask Google

Want A Restaurant Menu? Just Ask Google - Google
Want A Restaurant Menu? Just Ask Google

It seems there is going to be no end of the possibilities when it comes to Google. You can do most anything with Google these days – check your weather on the fly, identify a random song playing in the background, find directions to an unknown destination – and of course there’s always looking up information. It seems Google is one day going to be a one-stop source for anything we could possibly need or want – including restaurant menus.

That’s right – they are now adding restaurant menus to your search results. Of course, you’ve always been able to look up menus on your smartphone, but sometimes they’re so cluttered it’s hard to find the exact items you’re looking for. Google is attempting to make it a whole lot easier to find the food you want when you want it. Check out some of the results below:

Don’t Know What You Want To Eat? Google It!

So, the next time you find yourself with a 45 minute wait at your favorite eatery, you can feel free to easily peruse their menu right from the comfort of your smartphone. (That’s assuming, of course, that you didn’t grab a physical menu for yourself, at which point Google would be rendered useless). But, if you’re searching for a new place to eat and you aren’t sure if you’ll like the menu – Google could be an invaluable tool at your disposal.

Want A Restaurant Menu? Just Ask Google - Google
Want A Restaurant Menu? Just Ask Google

I have to admit – it appears they’ve made it really user-friendly. They’ve even included different tabs for appetizers, main courses, etc. Since this is more of a new venture, not every restaurant has made its way into Google’s results yet, but that will hopefully change in the coming months.

I for one have no problem using Google to look over a menu. What about you? What do you think?

[Image via Droid-Life]

SOURCE: http://www.digitaltrends.com/web/restaurant-menus-heading-google-results/#!ykc2e

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