Use These Lightsaber Tongs To Grill Your Food To A Crisp

Use These Lightsaber Tongs To Grill Your Food To A Crisp - Gadgets
Use These Lightsaber Tongs To Grill Your Food To A Crisp

I love to grill food. Steaks, chicken, potatoes, vegetables – it doesn’t matter what it is – food just seems to taste so much better after it’s grilled. Grilling is an art, there’s no doubt about it, but for such a precise art form, there are only a handful of tools out there to help you get that culinary masterpiece. And to be honest, most grilling tools are fairly boring. I’ve never seen a set of tongs or a spatula at the store and jumped up and down with excitement. Until recently, grilling tongs were pretty standard without much to them. But then a Star Wars fan decided to craft a set of tongs worthy of the Sith Lord in all of us. Just what did he create? Lightsaber tongs, of course.

Who doesn’t love good grilled food? Who doesn’t love Star Wars? Why not put the two together? Below is an image of what you get when you do.

Become A Jedi Master (Or A Sith Lord) Of The Grill

Naturally, these aren’t just any grilling tongs. Besides looking the part of a lightsaber, they also sound like one too. That’s right – you can flip your burgers and hear the sounds of your lightsaber humming all the while. And if you hit the grill – you might even hear a sound that sounds like you’ve clashed with another lightsaber. (The last sentence is a hope on my part).

When the tongs aren’t in use, they come with a nifty red “blade” for you to store them in. As of right now, it appears you can only get the tongs in the form of Darth Vader’s lightsaber. Who knows, though – if this one sells well, there may be others released in the future. We can hope.

If you’d like to pick up a set of these tongs, you can go to the Fowndry’s site here.

[Image via TechnaBob]


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